At the heart of Studio Boudreau, we find a results driven series of private coaching and consulting sessions called the One-on-Ones. In this 14-week immersive program we ignite profound shifts and transformations in your business and your life. You will unearth and actualize your purpose and build an authentic brand or self that fully expresses your talents, artistry and passion in the world.

Everyone has a purpose. And entwined in this purpose are your gifts. Natane calls this your Innate Gold. When we harness our talents, we live in greatness, we serve, we thrive. And it is your birthright to do so. But so many of us have stopped fighting for this right. Through the One-on-Ones, we’ll reclaim it.

The One-on-Ones serves participants from age 13 through adulthood.



We remove the blocks. We unearth your purpose. We mine the gold. Through the process, Natane listens with ruthless compassion, nuance and laser focus to weed out the conscious and unconscious beliefs and fears that limit and stifle your success. Together, we’ll extract your hidden talents. This is phase one.



Take action. During the next phase of the One-on-Ones, we champion your goals and meet your purpose with a focused, results-driven strategy. We define a tangible path to actualize your vision. Think of this plan as your roadmap to fulfillment.



In this next phase, we craft a strategy to market your gifts authentically and expansively into the world. With her lifetime of experience collaborating with the world’s most prominent creatives, Natane’s understanding of how to build a relevant brand is unsurpassed. But what’s more is her unflinching commitment to stand for your authentic self, never selling out, and ensuring that your brand aligns seamlessly with your unique truth.

As a part of this process, Natane will make relevant introductions and guide you in hiring a top-level team to enact your marketing vision. From I.D. and logo design, to building a site, to launching a podcast, to photography, copywriting and social media, Studio Boudreau partners are vetted artists ready to give life to your brand.



Through the One-to-Ones, you’ll have breakthroughs. Create a future and start living it now. A future not dictated by your past, but aligned instead with your purpose and values. A future of freedom and fulfillment. And a future to serve the New Earth. Whether you need to birth or rebirth a brand or project or shift your profession to more closely align with your purpose. Or whether your brand simply needs to evolve to thrive in these changing times. There’s an urgency to generate a future, one that is self-sufficient, nimble.

Through the One-on-Ones, we’ll:

  • unearth your potential in the world
  • identify the gap that stands between you and your most future-facing self
  • clarify and map the steps to accomplishment
  • gain the marketing know-how to ensure you are seen, heard and known in the world.
  • ensure your brand is relevant to the future and life you envision.

Prior to committing to any Studio Boudreau program, please familiarize yourself with our policies.


The 14 session series fee for the One-to-Ones is $5000 per individual. This includes 14 private 1-hour coaching calls, customized homework, your results-driven individual roadmap and calendar to launch and access to Natane’s Rolodex. Fees for independent contractors and other outside business expenses are not included and are subject to each client’s discretion.

The One-to-Ones offer a rolling admissions policy so you may begin, pending space in The Lab, as soon as NOW.

Single sessions are also available at $300 per 1-hour session. Get onto the court and get out of the stands!


All fees must be paid (and received by Studio Boudreau) in advance of any sessions, calls or services (or for in accordance with an overriding contract if applicable). Any cancelled calls due to non-payment are considered late cancellations by the Studio Boudreau client and are subject to the terms of our 48-hour cancellation policy. Invoices are due upon receipt. If payments are not received on time, client will be subject to additional late fees. If full monthly payment has not been received by the 5th of the month, a 20% of the total monthly late fee charge will be applied.

Appointments missed, changed or cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled start time, will be charged in full. Change requests made prior to 48 hours are accommodated subject to availability.

Natane is available for questions via text message which she reviews and answers at Monday through Thursday 6 to 7pm throughout the duration of active enrollment in any series. Lengthier exchanges that exceed a 10 minute back-and-forth will be charged at the prorated hourly rate of $300.

If a private call extends past its scheduled hour, overtime will be charged at the prorated hourly rate of $300. Subject to Natane’s availability, a client may willingly choose to extend the call and incur the overtime fee. The Lab offers a 10 minute grace period on this policy so the hourly rate sets in once the call exceeds 70 minutes. The grace period or any overtime availability is not guaranteed and is subject to Natane’s schedule and discretion.

Client requests for research, feedback and review that exist outside the normal scope of work included in the One-to-One’s can be accommodated subject to availability and will be charged at the hourly rate of $300. This includes reading scripts, drafts of books, reviewing contracts and attending meetings and auditions.